When I first saw Daisy, it was just after I had put my kitten Beezus down because of an inoperable brain tumor. We had taken her to the vet after she suddenly started to walk crooked. They gave us some medication but basically gave us a week to say our goodbyes.
I stayed up for a week straight giving Beezie medicine, feeding her soggy food so that she would actually eat and watching Jay Leno and infomercials to try to keep our spirits up--she especially liked the Flowbie (TM).
Despite my best efforts, at the end of the week, we took her back to the vet and I cried as she was carried down the hall to the room where they put her down--I watched the fear in her eyes-there's really no way to explain that to a helpless creature.
After that, I felt like it would be difficult to replace my sweet little Beezus.
God had different plans as usual...
Our neighbor told us that there was a litter of kittens that had been saved from being plowed down in a shopping mall development but they needed new homes or they would be sent to the pound. She knew it was really soon after we lost our cat, but would we be willing to save another kitten?
I went tentatively to visit the apartment where they had the kittens-most of them were sitting, well-behaved in a basket; couple of them were playing together on the floor, and then there was a scrappy kitten darting underneath a cupboard, peering out at me. When I leaned in to investigate, and poked my finger, she quickly swiped at it, giving it a good swift scratch.

It was instant love.
I knew I had to have that fiesty kitten, runt of the litter with moxie enough to swipe at the big lady coming to get her!
It's been love ever since-she never scratches me now--there is a built-in trust. As soon as she hears me coming she scrambles over and rolls onto her back with her white pretty paws in the air--waiting for me to rub her fuzzy belly. I never knew a cat as loyal and sweet. And now I miss her. And it's sad and pathetic....
Dave and I have Ruff--his sweet wonderful cat (I'm SO glad he likes cats and dogs) but there will ALWAYS be a place in my heart for my Daisy.
I knew I had to have that fiesty kitten, runt of the litter with moxie enough to swipe at the big lady coming to get her!
It's been love ever since-she never scratches me now--there is a built-in trust. As soon as she hears me coming she scrambles over and rolls onto her back with her white pretty paws in the air--waiting for me to rub her fuzzy belly. I never knew a cat as loyal and sweet. And now I miss her. And it's sad and pathetic....
Dave and I have Ruff--his sweet wonderful cat (I'm SO glad he likes cats and dogs) but there will ALWAYS be a place in my heart for my Daisy.