Friday, April 11, 2008

Home, Something, Home.

I have just finished my latest and some would argue not my greatest project....but whatever. It was a labour of something, not love. Welled up ookieness mostly.
I built a model of my childhood home--good fun ya'll, as we all know THAT was a hoot.
So I haven't much else to say.
I have pictures.
I'm glad this project is over.
Got therapy?

SO this is the outside of the home:

And this is a lovely scene featuring my family...give them a hand...

And here are some aerial shots of the whole project:

This was room:

And this was our piano-actually still is since we still have it (well not the model...the real thing...but you know what I mean, I hope.)

This blog is splendiferous. If you don't go there you is not my friend.
humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics