We finally have snow. The first perfect snow of the season.
A blanket of white to cover the gloomy branches of winter.
Snow makes the cold worthwhile.
I ran around like a kid in the cool white flakes and squished it in my hands till they were raw....
Nothin' in the 'verse like it :)
Yay for snow, boo for ice! LOL :-) It was very pretty.
a) Firefly! I could kiss you for the reference (and if that's just for the allusion to Firefly... just think of what's in store for the post!)
b) You guys got snow! Congrats! That's awesome, it makes me homesick to think of you guys out in red scarves and gloves making snow angels and sledding and going out to the lake to skate... hmm... maybe you guys shouldn't do that... and if you sled, make sure it's away from the road... in fact, maybe don't sled at all you're too precious.
c) I love the picture with this one. It's awesome! Where's some more examples of your artwork????
examples of my artwork...HAH! I'm too busy with ART SCHOOL for art work...lol
I'm SO sick of school....and I just started back....I'm totally just kidding.......not?!?
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