Apparently she enjoys reading my blogs...I see that the subconcious programming has worked :)
SO-In turn, I am passing this honor on to 5 people whose blogs have touched me.
1) This is a Tagback to Kelly at Seeking Him . Kelly always has thoughtful insight about her walk with Christ from a balanced perspective as a mom, a wife and a friend. She's been a mentor and a buddy-and her blog is just and overall hoot sometimes.
2) My Pastor, Neil has a really insightful blog, Broken Bonds Loosed Chains that is thought-provoking and socially conscious. I always look forward to being challenged spiritually and mentally when reading this blog because there are relevent topics, and people comment with really articulate discussion. It's a blog that makes you ponder.
3) Sarah of Sarahisms was the first of us ladies to get a blog, so I feel a certain indebtedness (and cursedness...I am now hooked..tee hee) for getting me involved in this outlet. Her sarcastic wit, fabuluos video posts and "What I'm Currently Listening To" features are favorite parts of the blog, without which I'd be lost...
4) Kath was second of us to start a blog, with Kathisms her foray into all things poetic, brilliant and lovely--with pictoral blogs that are guaranteed to knock your socks off. Kath's recent return to college has allowed her to regale us with hilarious tales of her mishaps and joys which we wish we could share more closely.
5) Lex's finally succombed to blogspot and got her blog Lex's Space which is full of her fun, fabulous, FANtastic daily shenanigans. We look forward to when she will update her about life with the Houdini pups and the next exciting adventure (especially pictures of her upcoming trip to Rome!)
Thanks for the mention
Less joy, more mishaps :-P Thanks! (And expect more pics, we're getting a snowstorm at the moment that has me freezing, but still dashing out to take pics...).
Hi Recovering Pyro, Mind of Mush here. How go exams?
recovering pyro here---coming up for air *gasp*
have been anti-social beast...am self flagilating for my lack of human interaction...don't even care if I misspelt that--
miss you Mind of Mush---how go YOUR exams? Are you a hermit as well?
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