It is SUCH a fun game--although this is coming from the girl whose idea of a perfect videogame is on an antiquated Atari 2600...preferably pixelated beyond recognition...
In the words of Frank Black..."Whatever happened to the Pong?"
That aside...I have gotten sucked into the exciting graphics, cool song choices (though if I hear Kiss' "Strutter" one F*#$%ing more time I may scream.) There are also cool rocker chick characters that smash guitars....something I have often fantasized about... is my Guitar Hero with his friend Paul---both getting their rock star on...hehehe
I want to play! Sarah and I saw that game at Debenhams and it looked totally awesome. I was jealous of the folks playing. Dave and Paul look like they're having a blast, where's the pics of you?
hmmm---pix of me----I never did get those...
I need to rassle some up... :)
it is SUCH a fun game--you really do need to try it---if only in a a store :)
I'm waiting for an update!! (and those pics ;-)
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