I didn't die in surgery, but thanks for asking.
I'd laugh, but my throat still hurts a bit from the "impressive" (that's what the Otolaryngologist) tonsils that I had removed a few weeks ago.
oh the joys of a tonsillectomy.
I have had this weird side-effect where I can't taste food. It's been a blast.
I didn't die in surgery, but thanks for asking.
I'd laugh, but my throat still hurts a bit from the "impressive" (that's what the Otolaryngologist) tonsils that I had removed a few weeks ago.
oh the joys of a tonsillectomy.
I have had this weird side-effect where I can't taste food. It's been a blast.
Everything tastes like sawdust--but the worst:
Chocolate tastes like burnt toast.
I bought Ben and Jerry's yesterday---Chubby Hubby---and I believe that Ben and Jerry should be cannonized.
Chocolate tastes like burnt toast.
I bought Ben and Jerry's yesterday---Chubby Hubby---and I believe that Ben and Jerry should be cannonized.

I may work on that campaign.
You see--that was the FIRST thing I could almost taste in 3 weeks besides mashed potatoes, which really don't taste like much anyway, and I was also on alot of Vicoden at the time so taste was pretty relative...
Anyhooo---I can't taste 100% yet---but just knowing that there was a recognition of peanut butter vs. chocolate and pretzal was truly amazing.
It's the little things in life.
And now I find myself back at work...pondering the meaning of life.
I always start waxing philosophical when detoxing, and prior to school.
Like---do I really wanna be a graphic designer? Am I doomed to a life of cubicles? Or is this SO much what I want that I'm terrified of somehow f-ing it up?
I think that's really the case.
I feel like I have the same internal dialogue endlessly running in my head--and it's never productive...just a consistant self-doubting cycle.
wow.....that sounds so bleak and defeatest.
Ok...positive thoughts:
1) I'm reallllly happy that I have had time with Dave the past couple weeks, even though I was really sore and drugged up from We really tested the mettle of our relationship (in sickness and health) and I'm so impressed with how sweet and nurturing he was despite how rough things got...
2) I got to watch some really good TV while decommissioned over the past few weeks--some hot picks:
A) Weeds (Season Premiere!!! AAAAAA!!!)
B) L.A. Ink I swear that Lex needs to go there while she's living in LA...( I want Hannah to give me a pinup tatt soooooo bad :)
C) Clean House (A show about cleaning....omg! OCDers UNITE!)
D) America's Next Top Model (specifically Season 1---why do I love this show so much???)
E) Battlestar Galactica (Damn you David...I was just getting myself over Firefly...)
3) I finally found some hair products that work...I know it's silly...and totally superficial, but it's humid and gross outside, and my hair is usually only tamed with a chair and a whip.
4) hmmm....what else.....Well, school IS starting, which means another semester will soon be starting, which means another semester will soon be ending...which means, I'm on my way to being done.
So yeah.....even though I'm pretty bummed out right now, I should be happy---because I guess I'm doin allright, huh?
So glad that you are feeling better finally! What a journey you guys have had..."in sickness and in health" for sure!
Yes, you are doing great and I promise you will eventually get used to it and not question everything. You can enjoy being have done the hard work to get there.
love and miss you! Let's do coffee or lunch SOON!
That was an awesome post, read during my Info Technology course, or rather, during the interlude before IT starts.
Glad to see you're alive.
Best line: "I always start waxing philosphical when detoxing, and prior to school."
I hear you there.
Class is starting, which is the only reason I'm not rereading and posting longer.
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