Friday, April 11, 2008

Home, Something, Home.

I have just finished my latest and some would argue not my greatest project....but whatever. It was a labour of something, not love. Welled up ookieness mostly.
I built a model of my childhood home--good fun ya'll, as we all know THAT was a hoot.
So I haven't much else to say.
I have pictures.
I'm glad this project is over.
Got therapy?

SO this is the outside of the home:

And this is a lovely scene featuring my family...give them a hand...

And here are some aerial shots of the whole project:

This was room:

And this was our piano-actually still is since we still have it (well not the model...the real thing...but you know what I mean, I hope.)

This blog is splendiferous. If you don't go there you is not my friend.
humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics

Sunday, March 09, 2008

My Beloved Monster

So another fun project we did recently was to create a game and play it to show interaction and creativity in play. Ours was a recreation of the Surrealists "Exquisite Corpse" .
This sounds more creepy than what it is; three artists working on a drawing separate from each other to create one cohesive (or sometimes not so much) piece.
Our spin on this was to make it 3-d and more of a monster than a person. We separated into 3 separate groups. Then we all brought in random materials, set them on a table and had 30 seconds to ravage a table for supplies to build our section of the monster.
Our group had the middle section--it turned out pretty hilarious.

this is a part of the piece that I did, from the middle section--it is a baby alien being born :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pass The Goods

We've started our second project for core, a performance art piece. Our group-two other girls and myself have decided to hand out cards to frazzled commuters encouraging them to "pass the goods". Each card will contain an encouraging slogan and info about our project.
I really hope you'll all check it out---we're totally excited about this ongoing piece and its ramifications :)

And remember to Pass the Goods along to someone you see who looks like they need some cheering up :)

Our Blog
Our Myspace
Our E-mail

Monday, February 11, 2008

Gimme Shelter

I don't hate my major anymore.This is owed largely in part to the fact that I changed my major back to Fine Arts, and within a week I have created a cool group piece for a show that we did. The piece was all about creating a nomadic refuge, some place that we would want to spend time in and would be able to take with us. Our theme was comfortable and eco-friendly. We sewed panels for the walls for what seemed like years, and were effectionately named the sweat shop due to the 3 of us hunched over sewing machines well into the night. It was beautiful.But seriously. .

In addition, we each had to do a personal project that would pertain to the project-mine was a stuffed clock which was both practical and pretty (if I may say so).May I also say that though I now resemble the Hunchback of Notre Dame after a week straight of my sweatshop conditions (we did finally go on strike and demand union pay and decent wages...) I am so excited to be making stuff in 3-d that means something to me
In other news: this weekend was the Baltimore Tattoo Convention, and since I have absolutely no willpower whatsoever, I went and got my first tattoo (you remember the dogwood) upgraded from one, to a whole branch of loveliness. The artist not only "branched out" but she added oodles of fun color which I have gone crazy for.
This is the "Before" with the original tattoo surrounded by her freehanded sketch on my back.
And this is the AMAZING Sunday's (artist's name) design finished. I want to go back in June and get a full sleeve done by her....she's so gifted

Monday, January 28, 2008

New Art and Nonsense.

I am actually excited today-I think it's because I finally made decisive action to go back to fine art.
Whatever possessed me to quit in the first place I may never quite know, but I do know that I've had a blast making art the past couple of weeks.
I painted, sewed, drew, sculpted, and all-in-all spent very little time on the computer, because I have discovered that I hate computers!
So I'm a bit baffled that I would have wanted to spend large amounts of time with them.....craziness!
Now that I'm back from looneyville though, I will share with you some thoughts:

1. Pink hair is so much more fun than brown hair.
2. I don't like dramas anymore. No more movies capturing the pain of human struggle and suffering, thank you.
After watching a movie called Water, (which is admittedly a brilliant movie--if I saw it at another time or as another person...I'd probably love it though, ***KATH: DON'T WATCH THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!***) had a few parts that hit a bit too close to home, and frankly...I have enough PTSD to last a lifetime on my own...I am focusing on lighter fare, like cartoons--Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is a personal fave right now. Do watch it--it is brilliantly written and the character Cheese is the best part.
3. I don't like the cold weather anymore--unless it snows, then I am ok with it. I'm a wimp, ok?
Lex--please send me some 70 degree weather, ok?
4. I really like Pink Lady (tm) apples. I used to be all about the Galas, then it was the Fujis--but these are the PERFECT blend of sweet and tart. mmmmmm. And they have no fat.
5. I finally have a couple of my new pieces to post. Enjoy:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I think I hate my major.

So, I think I've pretty much decided I hate graphic design.
I mean....really despiseit-to the core of my being. I don't really know what that means, as I have committed myself to this major. What was I thinking?
Heck, I'm not even sure I like Art at this point.
I'm having rather a crisis at this moment.
I intended to spend the month I had off making masterpieces and creating and writing and such, but I've done nothing but carve out a butt-shaped spot for myself on the couch while I nurse allergies, and catch up on laundry and dishes.
I'm positively pathetic.

Must stop wallowing.

Ok...time to scrape my butt out of its comfy spot and start painting--or sculpting--OR SOMETHING!
I shall overcome!
fear not my duckies---all hope is not lost----this may require a shift in my thinking--and covering the TV, but there WILL be some f-ing creativity---if only in my last week off!

Sunday, January 06, 2008


This is long overdue....and I need to get it out of my system.
only 2.5 more years to go!! Woo-bleeding-hoo!