Whatever possessed me to quit in the first place I may never quite know, but I do know that I've had a blast making art the past couple of weeks.
I painted, sewed, drew, sculpted, and all-in-all spent very little time on the computer, because I have discovered that I hate computers!
So I'm a bit baffled that I would have wanted to spend large amounts of time with them.....craziness!
Now that I'm back from looneyville though, I will share with you some thoughts:
1. Pink hair is so much more fun than brown hair.
2. I don't like dramas anymore. No more movies capturing the pain of human struggle and suffering, thank you.
After watching a movie called Water, (which is admittedly a brilliant movie--if I saw it at another time or as another person...I'd probably love it though, ***KATH: DON'T WATCH THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!***) had a few parts that hit a bit too close to home, and frankly...I have enough PTSD to last a lifetime on my own...I am focusing on lighter fare, like cartoons--Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is a personal fave right now. Do watch it--it is brilliantly written and the character Cheese is the best part.
3. I don't like the cold weather anymore--unless it snows, then I am ok with it. I'm a wimp, ok?
Lex--please send me some 70 degree weather, ok?
4. I really like Pink Lady (tm) apples. I used to be all about the Galas, then it was the Fujis--but these are the PERFECT blend of sweet and tart. mmmmmm. And they have no fat.
5. I finally have a couple of my new pieces to post. Enjoy:

Beautiful work! Glad you are being creative, whatever the medium. So....is YOUR hair pink or do you just GENERALLY like pink hair better? If so, we need pictures.
Speaking of movies, you must go see Juno. We saw it Sunday and I loved it. Her sense of humor reminded me so much of you. You would love it!! I have had a month long sinus infection, but I have just about re-joined the human race, so we must try again to get together. Miss you and love you!
I can totally relate to the sinus infections---I have been nasally challanged meself for several months-only recently finding that it's due to allergies.
OMG--I so want to see Juno, I love Ellen Page--she's a brilliant young actress. I have been amazed by her versatility since Hard Candy.
And yes--my hair now has pink in it again. I need to put pix up.
I love you!
Your art is amazing.
Your pink hair must be posted.
I wanted to see Water, am glad you sent out the warning!
I want to see Juno too. We have a charming old theatre here and it's the perfect venue!
Juno is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Go and see it!
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