Whatever possessed me to quit in the first place I may never quite know, but I do know that I've had a blast making art the past couple of weeks.
I painted, sewed, drew, sculpted, and all-in-all spent very little time on the computer, because I have discovered that I hate computers!
So I'm a bit baffled that I would have wanted to spend large amounts of time with them.....craziness!
Now that I'm back from looneyville though, I will share with you some thoughts:
1. Pink hair is so much more fun than brown hair.
2. I don't like dramas anymore. No more movies capturing the pain of human struggle and suffering, thank you.
After watching a movie called Water, (which is admittedly a brilliant movie--if I saw it at another time or as another person...I'd probably love it though, ***KATH: DON'T WATCH THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!***) had a few parts that hit a bit too close to home, and frankly...I have enough PTSD to last a lifetime on my own...I am focusing on lighter fare, like cartoons--Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is a personal fave right now. Do watch it--it is brilliantly written and the character Cheese is the best part.
3. I don't like the cold weather anymore--unless it snows, then I am ok with it. I'm a wimp, ok?
Lex--please send me some 70 degree weather, ok?
4. I really like Pink Lady (tm) apples. I used to be all about the Galas, then it was the Fujis--but these are the PERFECT blend of sweet and tart. mmmmmm. And they have no fat.
5. I finally have a couple of my new pieces to post. Enjoy: