Supervisor: You’re late-it’s 11:00
Me: I’m on the schedule at 11:00
Supervisor: Not according to the NEW schedule
Me: When was this “alleged” schedule posted?
Supervisor: Yesterday-don’t you check the schedule every day?
Me: I try to…but I mean…if I don’t get a chance to, I assume that it was what I saw it as when I left the day before.
Supervisor: Well-that’s where you made your error—by assuming.
Me: Well gee-thanks for clarifying…I feel MUCH better

I’d like to follow this up by saying that I love my supervisor---typically we are tight…but today I was ready to drop kick her and all traces of the Helpdesk into the Potomac River...
Richmond’s decision to transfer us over to a new system NOW, in the middle of a semester has left us all in a lurch—if they had just bought this software initially, this whole SNAFU never would have happened.
BUT NOOOOOO…they’re the worlds most inefficient department, run by people who are so apparently splashing in the shallow end of the gene pool…in fact—I fear that without the aid of water wings, they might drown, which would be a great service to all of us—especially the irate customers who expect a system to be up and running while school is in session.
Of course you know who they blame.
Customer support.
God Bless VCCS.
1 comment:
I think the serfs should all get together and rebel against the fiefdom system. Good plan. Fief rulers beware.
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