Over the past few weeks I have been increasingly stressed. Those of you who have been around--say within a 300 mile radius have perhaps heard me screaming at the top of my lungs after getting yet another overdraft charge, or over the next test/project/metro SNAFU....
It's like my thoughts have been in a blender---on puree--loud and scrambled up.
I have needed a respite.
SO last Sunday I went to DC, Georgetown and into VA to a pumpkin patch...I had to get out and do something. Turns out that was just what I needed.
As I was driving home that night-I had my music playing loudly, and I had to turn it down because it was starting to give me a headache. And then came the epiphany: I found that when I turned the sound down, I could actually hear the music better--I could really listen to the words--and appreciate them because I wasn't just trying to drown out my thoughts.
Sometimes volume has nothing to do with sound--it has to do with quantity--the quantity you can cram into your head, or the the quantity you should cram into your life--volume does not=quality.
So kiddies--that's my lesson for the week--go have fun!
And come check out my movie tomorrow night at 5:00!!
FCF Film Site
*biting nails feverishly*
1 comment:
Oh, I like this post. This is a good post, Em.
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