at the rate I get sick it's worth it.
Beyond that, I am working and doing a BILLLLLION and 5 projects (uhm, hello, news flash to my professors. I know YOUR project is the most important project in the WHOLE world....but how about cutting me some slack, because I have 3 other professors who all think the same thing.)
But enough griping....I'm really excited about a couple of class projects, AND, drumroll please---on the 16th of November, there is an open show at the Corcoran with all the Graphic Design work--and mine too!!! yay!!
finally some of my work will be paying off!
so stoked!
sooo..I know you guys were counting on this, so in spite of feeling like crap, I carved a pumpkin, and though it really doesn't look it, it is supposed to be Sally to go with last years Jack Skellington :)
Happy Halloween late :)