Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Resolutions Smesolutions!

I resolve this year not to resolve anything---to leave things undone...no closure--that's what I'm alllll about. After all, I really HAVE tried to clear up all loose ends, and it's just not happening. People won't change, we can't go back and undo things, and you know what? I wouldn't want to even if I could---
And another thing----the line in the song Auld Lang Syne "Should old aquaintence be forgot and never brought to mind..."
You know what? That's crap. Even if it's painful--old aquaintence should be brought to mind, and we should remember times we've had and pray for the people in our lives, past and present. Otherwise, what good is making relationships? Just so that we can forget the lessons we've been taught and have yet to learn---and the ones we ourselves will teach...we need to keep people close even far away---oh man...I'm gonna start to bawl...

That said; here's some happy pictures of my latest (and may I say) greatest hair experiment. It is part of my non-resolution to do more things that make me happy and express the joy that have in all things artistic and beautiful--be they mainstream or against the grain.


Kelly said...

WOW! Can't wait to see it in person. You are FABULOUS!

Neil Craigan said...

Burns answer to the question is quite clear in the poem, old friendships should not be forgotten.
Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

EMILY YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! OM FREAKING GOODNESS!! Come to WI, we need to put your non-resolution into action here :-).

Oh, I really missssssssssss you. Comeherecomeherecomehere.

Anonymous said...

And you have awesome earrings... where are they from? How did you dye your hair, what color did you use? (Alexis says you may have tried Kool-Aid... really? I must try this... The folks at Marquette would be... weirded out... but that could be fun...)

Anonymous said...

Well, Kath posted over what I was going to say, but here it is again! WOW!!!! Em, you look sooooo good darling :-) Wish I had stuck around and helped you dye it now. Happy New Year with happy colors....