Oh Yeah! I got my Tatt on Saturday....and not only does it have treemendous significance (not a typo--my tattoo is a dogwood...) but I got to design it myself.
Happy day.
PLUS--I got to have 3 of my bestest friends around to complete the joy of the experience--

Background on the significance:
1. The Dogwood signifies Christ on the cross--the cross shape and the red blood on the 4 edges. My symbol of rebirth.
2. The Dogwood is my grand mother's favorite flower-and I think it's our birthmonth flower...not sure--must check.
3. The Dogwood tree ties in with one of my first memories--climbing trees with my best friend from childhood. I loved climbing trees-and naming them and actually pretty much anything out-of-doors when I was growing up. So it's a return to my "roots"
4. The Dogwood is the first flower to bloom in spring, and I was born on the first day of spring :)
5. The Dogwood is pretty-and I like it :)

AAAUGH! I love it Em!! So, when are you going to get the hydrangeas?
You were born on the first day of spring?????????? Me too!!!!!! 20th or 21st? Don't remember if you were born in a leap year or not. This is soooooo cool :-)
20th :)
wow--you keep getting cooler Lex :)
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