I am acutely aware that I left all of my mittens and gloves at my mom's house where they will do me no good....and my nose was a cheery cherry red when I got on the metro this AM--I could have provided alternate light for the tunnels...argh

I'm starting to rethink my love of all things wintery---perhaps when I get home and make some cocoa and bake some cookies all will return to normal-as I remember that cocoa is not half as good coming in from a 70 degree day as it is from a 30 degree day...
Does this make me sadistic?
Also-in a sidenote, I've begun reading Thomas More's Utopia on the Metro...the irony does not escape me as I am in a complete anti-Utopia riding with strangers who would rather push an old lady down than give her a seat...
Thomas More writes about a society which puts the needs of all above the needs of self, but which also prizes taking care of self--it's beautiful without being sappy. He also speaks out against a govenrment which would make people serve and pay without getting anything in return, maiking them poorer-and then punish them for not being able to pay....it's such a vicious cycle, but one which we accept so blindly.
The Utopians try to avoid war, but if they have to fight, they try to stir up so much dissent within a country that it implodes on itself that they needent ever actually ever go to battle-and no one need die---they use strategy, not warfare to fight...it's brilliant.
They also value the mind, not riches--gold is used to lock up prisoners, so that it is cursed and when they need to trade, no one minds parting with it....wow
I'm impressed.
I want to move there.
So I don't know how winter reminded me of the book---except that I was reading it this morning trying not to think of how very cold I was...

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