I realized that as I was sitting on the metro with my newly bleached hair, and crazy clothes color combo (take THAT alliterations!) reading Mojo....nobody really looks at me funny anymore, and if they do, I'm not sure I either notice or care...I think I've finally embraced the artist within, who creates not with the reckless abandon of before--but with careful consideration of composition and form.
I look at what I want to make as a challenge, and each piece fulfills a definite purpose--telling a story, venting a feeling, frustration--letting go of a hurt, or opening a window to happiness.
I've been able to describe through my art-things I could NEVER (there--I used that word....hahaha) say out loud. I've been able to scream without opening my mouth; fly without leaving my room, and repair heartache without having to deal with more shrinks :)
(I have to love that about art---Art therapy--it's the best :P)

I create to express my joy, I'm not always happy, but I have found joy in my new life-my second chance on this earth and I feel compelled to put that out there for the universe to do with it what it will--joy isn't always pretty, or happy or nice--it reflects a journey...and so I'm beginning to be less hard on myself to creat the "perfect" painting or design--
I won't ever be a Renoir or a Monet, or even a Dali....but I'll be a Rockwell.... :)
And as someone who loves visiting art museums and galleries of all kinds, I am DELIGHTED BEYOND BELIEF to say (in conversation, casually) "My friend, Emily, she's the artist going to school at the Corcoran, well we..."
oh Kath---you make me feel so much better about school...just when I'm getting ready to scream at the PCs for not cooperating...
emy....I miss you! j
1) Yeah. Uh. England is sick of hearing about how Sarah Khan's friend Emily is an artist who attends Corcoran.
2) Can I just say that the hair, eyes, glasses, and everything about you are gorgeous. I am saving that picture.
3) I've been able to describe through my art-things I could NEVER (there--I used that word....hahaha) say out loud. I've been able to scream without opening my mouth; fly without leaving my room, and repair heartache without having to deal with more shrinks :) That is a wonderful description and incredibly inspiring. We need to talk sometime because I'm struggling about what to do about school. Now I'm thinking art school which means A LOT more time and expense spent at school. Siiiigh.
It's somehow worth it.....don't ask me how--b/c right now I'm broke, homeless and carless :)
but at some point I'll break even-I know it-and I make pretty things :P
We'll have a party when you break even, and in the meantime you look FREAKING BEAUTIFUL and create AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS things, so it's all good.
Don't give up...the most beautiful thing you are making is YOU! This is all part of the journey that God is using to make the masterpiece that is you. You are doing an awesome job of juggling all of it...I'm proud to call you my friend as well.
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