Sunday, February 25, 2007

Driving in a Winter Blunderland

So guys, should I be worried that the only thing I really blog about in any detail is the weather? I mean, isn't that what you save for the "polite" conversation when you run out of things to say?

If so, then I admit-I'm a bore, but darnit, it snowed alot. 6 inches almost, which for this area is not exactly a walk in the park as it is teeming with drivers who haven't the slightest notion what snow is, let alone how to drive in it. I think there should be a certain amount of snow driving safety--if not courtesy on the roads--one would think.

For instance, truck drivers (I single you out especially because with your "4 wheel drive and off-roading ability" you drive like every road is a gravel path you can swerve around on and weave through lanes like you are on a kamikaze mission) will drive past me, because you can (note previous rant....) and kick up road slush to such a degree, other cars may think they have been hit by a winter tsunami.

I know SOME amount of road slush is unavoidable, but when you are driving on the road and can't see the cars next to you because they are hidden in a deluge of slush, perhaps you either want to back off the full-throttle, or just AVOID the slush?!

Another thing---drivers, PUT YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON!!!! It's not really going to do much for you, as the glare of snow makes it bright enough to see anyhow, but for those who can only see a pile of snow coming at them, til all to late they realize you're a white minivan who never bothered to clean your vehicle...Lights allow other drivers to avoid hitting you, and you don't want to get hit, right?

Also, to all you sweet, thoughtful folks who leave snow on the tops of your car, don't.

It flies off your roof and hits my windsheild just as the trucks are passing so I'm completely embanked in snow. Thanks alot. I'll send you a Hallmark card once I shovel myself out of this snow drift on the freeway....

Last note...snow plow drivers: don't you have to drive with the shovel in the DOWN position to actually shovel anything? I swear I saw about 50 plow drivers if I saw one today driving through the snow, but not actually plowing it. That's special.

So with that said, my fingers are crossed for a snow day tomorrow, because due to driving conditions (aka all the BRILLIANT drvers out there) I couldn't get where I needed to go to finish my projects for the week, and I am S.O.L. if I don't have another day to stall...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

La La

I have given over my information to YET another webpage...
I feel like I have more of my information floating on the Internet than I have floating in my brain anymore....
But I digress (prolly because my memory has to be backed up...). I signed up for this spiffy new web thingy that lets you trade cds with other people for like, a buck.
You make a list of the cds you want, and when they become available, someone sends them to you. Similarly-you make a list of cds you have and send them to people who have them on their list.
It's kinda like trading lunches in grade school. Win/Win.
I'm psyched because it means i don't have to save up a box of cds for the record store in Manassas---it's awfully far...and I can do this whenever---annnnd it's only a buck---YAY!
sooo---you guys should check it out---maybe we'll end up trading with each other :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

What is love?

I've been thinking alot about alot of things lately---and this one is nagging at me. I'm not sure if I've ever been in love.
I suppose if you have you know it---
Loving someone, and being in love, to the point that you're willing to be with that person and that person alone---I guess I'd have to first resolve how I feel about myself.

I would have to forgive myself for things had no control over---and figure out if I want to wait to find the "one" (if such a person exists)
or simply continue to live from one crappy relationship to the next---with what seems to be no regard to my own real feelings---just a desire to not be alone, or fill some sort of void left by a father I never really knew, and never will know since he's so emotionally distant.

I pray alot that God will keep me from making a bigger lapse in judgement than I've already made---and that He will guard my heart---I really don't want to get too hurt. I don't want to be alone, but I suppose there are worse things.

When I look at my parents, I think, damn--if they had only thought about the potentiality of children--what it would do to us--why would they ever even have gotten married? Or when they realized it was bad---why not just split the difference and get a divorce before they HAD kids---or how about therapy?!
I guess I just don't understand. Will I ever?