Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This IS Halloween!

Reasons I love Halloween:

  • Candy Corn.
  • Any candy :o)
  • Crazy Costumes.
  • People staring at me while I'm driving in my car singing while wearing a Crazy Costume.
  • Watching OTHER people in cars sing while wearing Crazy Costumes.
  • The idea that for one perfect night, people can go to complete strangers' houses, shout utter nonsense and be rewarded with candy.
  • Carving Pumpkins (and by the way--if you see my house lit with a strange orange glow past Thanksgiving--call my sponsor).
  • Decorating my bosses offices with spiderwebs, skulls with headsets, blood dripping on the moniters, and spiders on the keyboards--then leaving scary messages on their voicemails...Priceless :> (they loved it!)
  • The crisp chill in the air and the glow of the moon.
  • Scary music.
  • Scary movies.....hehehe.
  • It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! I don't care HOW old I get--Linus is still the coolest cat in town-and I never get tired of Schroeder playing those tunes on the piano--and well, poor Chuck, if he could just get the ball away from Lucy and pelt it at her head...well--then there would be no movie I guess...
  • Bats. Pretty much cool all year 'round for their sonar and nifty wings, but definitely get their due on Halloween. ^~"~^
  • Black Cats. Also cool all year 'round--but definitely much cooler on Halloween.
  • The start of the "holiday season". Ah yes, this kicks off the Halloweethanksgivichristmas season--my favorite. Lets allllll take a BIG breath-relax and say a prayer for all those working retail this season.

So anyhoo--HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! AAAND--if you get the chance, go see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D It's a fabulous way to celebrate Halloween and this festive season :)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Turning Down the Sound

Over the past few weeks I have been increasingly stressed. Those of you who have been around--say within a 300 mile radius have perhaps heard me screaming at the top of my lungs after getting yet another overdraft charge, or over the next test/project/metro SNAFU....
It's like my thoughts have been in a blender---on puree--loud and scrambled up.
I have needed a respite.
SO last Sunday I went to DC, Georgetown and into VA to a pumpkin patch...I had to get out and do something. Turns out that was just what I needed.
As I was driving home that night-I had my music playing loudly, and I had to turn it down because it was starting to give me a headache. And then came the epiphany: I found that when I turned the sound down, I could actually hear the music better--I could really listen to the words--and appreciate them because I wasn't just trying to drown out my thoughts.

Sometimes volume has nothing to do with sound--it has to do with quantity--the quantity you can cram into your head, or the the quantity you should cram into your life--volume does not=quality.

So kiddies--that's my lesson for the week--go have fun!
And come check out my movie tomorrow night at 5:00!!
FCF Film Site

*biting nails feverishly*

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


And Now For Todays Fun game...


Ok folks...here's how you play:
1. Begin a thorough search of outlying areas (or for those of you who live near idiots dolts and other forms of ill-bred pestilant life [Miss Kath---the toilet paper smokers jussst might fall into this category] --right in your own backyard)... and SPOT THE NIMROD!

2. Once the Nimrod has been spotted in his/her natural habitat, try not to upset it...as it is a feeble and stupid creature, prone to violent outbursts, significant ramblings about insignificant rubbish that may or may not have any basis in reality, but does however make for an interesting viewing, so take snacks and a folding chair to keep yourself comfy in case the Nimrod becomes highly animated--thus creating a Spectacle of itself.

3. Provoke the Nimrod. Drive the speed limit in the correct lane, do your job correctly, and above ALL appear to enjoy doing your tasks with efficiency and profiency--this wil unnerve the Nimrod and provoke it out of it's lair.

4. After you have encountered a Nimrod-remember, it is a delicate part of our ecosystem, and should be treated with the proper respect of all our protected species-regardless of how irritating, or bothersome it is.
Nimrods are everywhere but if we educate them...they might just go extinct!

(Sidenote: Do not feed the Nimrod--as it used to a delicate diet---it may be tempting to give it a taste of it's own medicine....but try to hold back...)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So I'm ready to scream.... The powers that be at my job, or rather in the political fiefdom above those who run my job, have decided that ANOTHER software upgrade is in order for us….you kiddies know what that means. More calls for the Helldesk. I think I’m ready to call it quits…. I also had a most interesting conversation with my supervisor today.

Supervisor: You’re late-it’s 11:00
Me: I’m on the schedule at 11:00
Supervisor: Not according to the NEW schedule
Me: When was this “alleged” schedule posted?
Supervisor: Yesterday-don’t you check the schedule every day?
Me: I try to…but I mean…if I don’t get a chance to, I assume that it was what I saw it as when I left the day before.
Supervisor: Well-that’s where you made your error—by assuming.
Me: Well gee-thanks for clarifying…I feel MUCH better

I’d like to follow this up by saying that I love my supervisor---typically we are tight…but today I was ready to drop kick her and all traces of the Helpdesk into the Potomac River...
Richmond’s decision to transfer us over to a new system NOW, in the middle of a semester has left us all in a lurch—if they had just bought this software initially, this whole SNAFU never would have happened.
BUT NOOOOOO…they’re the worlds most inefficient department, run by people who are so apparently splashing in the shallow end of the gene pool…in fact—I fear that without the aid of water wings, they might drown, which would be a great service to all of us—especially the irate customers who expect a system to be up and running while school is in session.
Of course you know who they blame.
Customer support.

God Bless VCCS.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Emy gets inked

So I've been trying to decide for the past coupla years (and I suppose this should be an indication of my level of commitment) if I want to get a tattoo, and if so, what I will get tattooed on myself. I think it's a relatively permanant decision and like any relatively permanant decision requires thought, research, and planning. Ok, now all the fun has gone from it, right? I mean--where is that sponteneity of getting drunk on vacation and getting a bad back tattoo, or getting drunk on a date and tattooing a guys name on your butt--yeah---those ALWAYS work out.
So instead I decided to ponder forever rather than ever actually getting near a needle.

But the time has come (as the walrus said) for serious (I mean it) thought to go into this. I've decided to get a tattoo this month when my friend Haejo gets back from Brazil. She and I have been talking about getting tatt's together for awhile....I know--belaboring this...but I want to commemorate a few occasions--Independance, Education, Renewal, Rebirth, Restoration....there is such a long list---so how do you sum that up in a single ink mark on your body? I could put a collage on my whole back, but
A. Don't want to cover my back with ink
B. Can't afford it :)
so any input would be great---I'm gonna post some pix in a coupla days---some ideas....otherwise it's gonna be I <3>