Thursday, October 11, 2012

Long Overdue

It's been far too long since I last posted.
The brain shuts down and then nothing quite seems to function.  Right now I'm just running on dreams.  I feel a bit deflated by life at the moment, like reality has sunk in, and I suddenly have to grow up. 
I want to climb into a tree and escape everything, but I have to be present, in the moment--responsible.
Responsible seems like such a four-letter word. 
Can't I just go back to bed? 
That was so mature.

I hate conflict.  I hate arguing.  I'm so over this turmoil.
I just wanna have some calm in my life.  Can't things be simple?
I miss doing stupid things and having no consequences. 
I want to drive with the windows down and blast the Pixies with no cares.

I want to cry without feeling bad about it.

I left home to get away from this feeling.

I walked away from all that negativity.

Why is it still so prominent?  Looming so low in my mind?

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