Friday, May 11, 2007

Classes Are Over! *woo*

I survived the final projects...I endured the slide comparisons...I stayed awake for the critiques.
And NOW...

I'm ready for a nap.
So yeah, I was expecting to feel all giddy and exhuberant-but there is a sort of let-down after all of the buzz and hum of activity from the semester.
I think I can thrive for awhile on adrenaline, then second wind-then my resources get tapped and I find myself getting slap happy and irritable. THEN the grumbles set in...
I could grumble about the rain coming down because my feet get wet (what's the point of having pretty galoshes if I'm never going to wear them?)and then grumble about the sun coming out because then my eyes hurt (uhm---why didn't I pack my stupid freaking sunglasses?!) and don't even get me STARTED on foggy days.
So yeah--the drama that ensues when I have combo lack of sleep/too many things to do/no patience.
I feel way to relaxed right now. Must create problems. Is there something wrong with me? I think it's a family thing. As far back as I can recall we have thrived (we meaning the whole family unit--not always including me) on one crisis after another. Getting used to living a life of mundanity and "normalcy" with some everyday drama thrown in is different.
I would expect drama to occur with anyone--unless a person was living alone in a room with a vow of silence--of course this in itself is ironically defies my no-drama definition.
Anyway...I am trying to resolve the need for something going on all the time and filling that with the sound of silence--or just time with people I enjoy.
What a concept.
Is this what being healthy looks like?


Anonymous said...

Very deep darling. You always have such insightful posts. Happy the semester is over and now we may see eachother more often.
I'm loving the new look btw, very nice :-)

Kelly said...

Em, I think you are in danger of being happy! You must get over to my blog immediately and read the suggestions for maintaining misery at all costs. I think you will find them extremely helpful (and HILARIOUS! :-)

LOVED being with you for lunch the other day and LOVE you bunches!

Kath said...

Yay! Congrats on the end of the semester, doll! I get the whole from crisis to crisis thing, maybe it's a habit we just need to break? Failing that, I love Kelly's miserable suggestions :-)