Friday, December 15, 2006


So how fun has THIS week been ?
so i had my last final today and had to study and write papers (3 of them---which my teacher gave us one buggering weeks notice about.....lovely) and I've had a neck spasm from the freakish weather we've been I took a muscle relaxer and some painkillers because neither was really helping on their own.
Well--doncha know---suddenly they kicked in together and I was loopy off my helpful for trying to memorize info on....haha
yeah---by 3:00 in the AM I was drinking kool-aid from the pitcher and had gone thru a whole bag of cheetos, a box of Good N Plentys, and a bunch of sourpatch kids....
I had also managed to write all 3 papers AND paint 2 random and very trippy paintings---at the time, I was mesmerized by how uh....LOUD the colors were......but now they look a bit...bizzare---good times...
I need to ALWAYS study last minute and hepped up on painkillers....I think it should be a requirement....
ugh---I am now incredibly exhausted, (actually falling asleep in chair at work "you wanted your password reset to.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....I mean---sorrry...")
and oddly, I feel a bit sick--
do you think it was something I ate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly it was the kool-aide, Good N Plentys, and sourpatch kids? At least you're done! hurrah! Now you can just e n j o y the final lead-up to Chirstmas! (Yay :-)